
A sneak peak of a new work in progress!

Hi there, and welcome to my new website and blog!

It’s pretty exciting, and I’m so glad you’re here!

Here I am launching this website and committing to making a go of this professional artist thing. It’s July 2023, and one year after my breast cancer diagnosis.
I’m in the clear now, health wise… I’m still receiving treatment, but it is much easier than the earlier stages and is more about preventing a rerun.

Needless to say, it has been a really shitty year, but I have found so much joy and comfort in creating art, and it has really helped me through. 

Now, my living room is slowly being taken over by my “art studio” and I just can’t seem to stop. So, it’s time to start offering some of these creations up for sale!
I’ll get the shop element of this website happening very soon, with prints and selected originals available soon.

For now, if you want to keep across what I’m up to, please join the mailing list and find me on the socials via the links under the menu.

Thanks again (so much!) for visiting.