I love the look of vintage advertising posters, and the beautiful ‘slice’ of orange on the pink cockatoo’s crest made me think of orange cocktails.
Turns out these gorgeous birds go by a lot of different names – Leadbeater’s Cockatoo, Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo, Jak-kul-yak-kul, Desert cockatoo, Chockalott, Joggle-joggle, Wijugla, Kakalyalya, Kukkalulla, Nkuna, Ungkuna, Yangkunnu, Yangwina, Yel-le-lek and Cal-dring-ga.
A lot of those names give you the impression that these guys are very noisy.
This one looks pretty happy though, as he’s about to enjoy a delicious cool pink drink.
Mmm… This poster is making me thirsty!
Gouache on paper
42cm x 59.4cm